Friday, 18 September 2015

Coral(Moonga) Gemstone

Coral used in jewelry making ranges in color from pale pink (called angel skin coral) to orange to red to white to black. The most valued colors are deep red (called noble coral) and pink.

Red Coral: The most valued coral of all, favored worldwide for its hardness, beauty, and sanguine hue. Red Coral is brought up from the sandy bottom of the Mediterranean, and the Gulf of Naples near Genoa. It is also found off Algiers and Tunis on the African side, in the waters of Sardinia, Corsica, Catalonia and Provence, as well as along parts of the French and the Spanish seaboard.

Precious, or Noble Coral: A type of red coral called Corallium Rubrum, or Corallium Nobile, Precious coral can be found in the Mediterranean, Sardinia and Sicily, as well as in Tunis, Algeria and Morocco.

Black Coral: This coral is a horny substance particularly good for carving and molding ? it actually bends when it is warmed! The black hue is believed to be coral in the first stage of decay, since the color only persists a little below the surface. Once abundant in the Persian Gulf, a similar type is found in the Mediterranean.

Blue Coral: As with Black Coral, this variety is thought to be coral in the first stage of decomposition, since the color usually extends only just below the surface. It is known both as Allopora Subviolacea and Akori. This unusual variety has been found off of Cameroon.

Golden coral: Divers off Maui, in Hawaii, have brought up this pretty variety of coral, which has a resinous or lacquered texture.

It used to be thought that coral protected the wearer, so it was a traditional gift to children.

Since it is composed of calcium carbonate, coral will effervesce (fizz, bubble or spark) if touched with acid.   I believe you can effectively ?test? your coral jewelry using this method but if you insist on doing it yourself, be very careful as we all know that acid can be very harmful if it comes in contact with skin or other things.
Coral is also porous so there will be some "imperfections" in the coral beads.  Coral is also softer than glass and other gem materials with a hardness of only 3.5. As a result it should be stored carefully to avoid scratches.

If I remember by chemistry correctly, calcium carbonate reacts with acids to produce carbon dioxide gas, which we observe as bubbles. It can be tested using regular household vinegar. According to most chemistry sites on the net, the "acid test" the geologists use to test minerals uses either dilute hydrochloric acid (<10% solution) or dilute acetic acid (vinegar).

Flaws of Red Coral –

  1. There may be black or white spots or dots on the Coral.
  2. It may have crack on the surface of the body.
  3. Its surface may be twisted.
  4. it may have bend on the surface.
  5. There may be more than one shades of color in the same piece.

Red Coral Gemstone for Various Zodiac Signs

The lord of Red Coral is Mars. Coral gemstone removes the obstacles in the way of the natives of Aries and Scorpio’s fortunes and increases their influences.  Red Coral warns its natives of coming of ill health by changing its color. It also prevents from nightmares. Red coral turns its inactive natives into active ones. Its helps in increasing finance, determination, courage, physical strenght, forcefulnes and helps its natives to finish the tasks he has begun. It can help in spousal life.

It is advised that this stone should be worn only under strict advice of expert astrologer otherwise it can prove harmful.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Aries

Mars rules over the Aries ascendant. It gives positive result to the wearer. Native of this ascendant can wear Red Coral for whole life. It helps in recovery from illness. It gives longevity, courage, name, fame and happiness. Wearing a Red Coral brings physical and mental strength to the native of this ascendant.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Taurus

Venus is the lord of Taurus ascendant. It shares an average relationship with the Mars of Red Coral. Mars is the lord of 7th and 12th house. As Coral is placed in these houses, natives should avoid Red Coral. It could be worn in the major periods of Mars.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Gemini

The planet Mercury of the Gemini ascendant shares the a bitter relationship with the planet Mars of Red Coral. Mars rules over the 6th and 11th house of Gemini. Mercury and Mars altogether doesn’t share a pleasant relationship. For this, it is advised to avoid Red Coral for these natives. Natives of this ascendant should stay away from Red Coral.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Cancer & Leo

Lord of Cancer is Moon which shares an average relationship with Mars of Coral. Mars rules over the 5th house and 10th house. Coral gemstones are the blessings for the Cancer natives. It will bring them good intellect and intelligence, name and fame towards the success. If it is worn with Pearl, then results will prove more beneficial.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Leo

For the Leo, Mars rules over the 4th & 9th house. Both lord shares a good relationship  with each other. Red Coral would appear to be benefical for the Leo natives.  The native of Leo is blessed with strong wealth & hight status in the professional life and social era.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Virgo

Mercury rules over the Virgo ascendant which shares an average relationship with the Mars of Coral. Mars is the lord of 3rd and 8th house. Natives of Virgo ascendants should avoid Red Coral. However, if it would become necessary, then worn it on the major periods of Mars if Mars is in his own sign.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Libra

The planet Venus of Libra shares a positive relationship with the Mars of Red Coral. Mars rules over the 2nd and 7th house which develops a bitter combination for which natives of this ascendant should avoid Red Coral.  If Mars is in its own signs then, it could be worn to attain admirable effects.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Scorpio

Mars of Coral gemstone also rules over the Scorpio ascendants besides which it rules 6th house. Red coral is beneficial for the natives of Scorpio ascendants.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Sagittarius

Planet Jupiter of Sagittarius shares a pleasant relationship with the planet Mars of Red Coral. It rules over the 5th and 12th house of Saggitarius ascendant. Wearing a Red Coral will bestow with children, good fortune, name and fame.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Capricorn

The Saturn of Capricorn shares an average relationship with the planet Mars of Red Coral besides which it rules over the 4th and 11th house which gives positive relation in between. Wearing Red Coral gives domestic harmony, happiness from mother and gains of wealth.

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Aquarius

Mars shares the good relationship with the Saturn of Aquarius and rules over the 3rd and 10th house. Wearing Red Coral gives the promotion and success in the professional field. If Mars is in his own position i.e in the 10th house, this disposition will give to Ruchaka yoga

Red Coral Gemstone or Moonga for Pisces

The planet Mars of Red Coral shares the pleasing relationship with the planet Jupiter of Pisces. It rules over the 2nd and 9th house. As Mars being a auspicious planet for this ascendant, it will bring great success in the life of native. If native wears Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral, it would be more auspicious.

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